NCDPI statement on test procedures

Weekly Message to Superintendents: Monday, May 19, 2014

As statewide testing begins in your school, please remind your principals and testing coordinators of one testing procedure change: students who complete end-of-grade, end-of-course or final exams before the allotted testing time ends are allowed to read novels or other non-textbooks while other students continue to work during the scheduled time.

This policy, effective for the 2013-14 school year, is published in the Assessment Guides used to train test administrators. Once students complete the test, the test administrator should verify that they have completed the test, checked their answer sheet to be sure it is complete and turned in their answer sheet, test book and all other ancillary materials before they begin reading a novel, magazine or other non-textbook.

If all students complete the test, review their responses and are ready to turn in their tests before the scheduled time is over, the test administration session may end early.

All of this, and more, is included in the Assessment Guide available online at

June Atkinson