DNC Media Coverage

How Michelle Rhee is Taking Over the Democratic Party, The Atlantic, September 8, 2012

Pam Grundy’s radio interview on the Ed Schultz Show, September 7, 2012 [audio:https://www.mecklenburgacts.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/grundy_radio.mp3]

Democrats Locked out of Democrat Town Hall on Education, Potter Williams Report, September 7, 2012

Moms booted from Michelle Rhee’s film screening during Democratic Convention, The Raw Story, September 6, 2012

Debate about schools splits Democrats, Durango Herald, September 6, 2012

‘Parent Trigger’ law gets first screening in Charlotte, NC Policy Watch, September 5, 2012

Two Moms Terrify DFER and StudentsFirst, Diane Ravitch’s blog, September 4, 2012

Teachers unions’ alliance with Democratic Party frays, Los Angeles Times, September 3, 2012

Protestors “Won’t Back Down” about school documentary, WBTV, September 3, 2012

Charlotte Becomes Stage for Education Reform, Charlotte Observer, August 29. 2012